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Benefits of Membership

Why be a member of FONL? To join a community of nurse leaders, be in the know on present issues in the profession, make your voice heard, take charge of your career, advocate for the future, and many other benefits.

The Florida Organization of Nurse Leaders exists for nurse leaders who provide vision for the advancement of professional nursing practice and patient care. FONL promotes excellence in leadership to shape the future of health care delivery, education and health policy in Florida.

When you join FONL, you join a state-wide community of nurse leaders who are dedicated to the improvement of patient care in their organizations and communities. Our members include nursing faculty, nursing educators, researchers, consultants, nurse executives, nurses in entry and middle management and staff nurses who are interested in management and leadership.

FONL is your first, best source of news and information on nursing leadership. We communicate with you to provide you the latest headlines and the tools to translate those headlines into action.

FONL takes your voice, advocates your views and represents your interests in Florida Legislature. FONL influences public health care policy by working with other organizations, coalitions and lobbyists to effect legislation. FONL is the recognized voice of nursing leaders in our state!

FONL Members build their careers by attending FONE education programs, and publishing articles and research findings.

FONL is an organization that helps leaders help each other. We are an organization that is committed to advocating for the resources you need to develop the nursing workforce of tomorrow. We are committed to delivering the personal and professional benefits that support both you and your organization.


  • FONL supports nursing research activities and the use of evidence to change practice and patient care.
  • FONL fosters a collaborative posture with other nursing organizations (i.e., QUIN Council) to influence the future of nursing in Florida. The QUIN Council is comprised of representatives from FONL, FNA, FHA, BON, FLN & Deans and Directors of Nursing Education Programs in Florida.
  • FONL partners with the Florida Center for Nursing in the development of state-wide reports on the nursing workforce.
  • FONL publishes an annual report to give its members an overview of nursing leadership activity in regional chapters and state-wide.
  • FONL maintains a comprehensive membership directory that allows members to locate other FONE colleagues.
  • FONL provides a membership dues discount for multiple members from the same facility.
  • FONL facilitates participation in nursing issues at the local level through Chapter affiliations.

Join FONL Today! 

Annual Membership Fee: $170 

(For Groups of 5 or more the fee is reduced to $160 per person)